Here you will find more information about me and what are my current skills
Get to know me!

During 8th grade, I was introduced to a tool tangental to computer science but essential to any student's toolkit, a TI-84 graphing calculator. Ever since the first day of class, my Algebra 1 teacher professed the importance of being able to understand how to use our tools to the full extent and persuaded his students to read the TI-84 manual and encouraged us to learn how to program using the calculator. From creating simple apps such as the 22-counting math game, I fell into the rabbit hole of programming.

Fast forward to today, I am a last semester graduate student pursuing a Masters in Software Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. I have worked on creating a uniform front-end library at CrossBorder Solutions, creating proof of concepts and utilizing Single-Sign-On (SSO) capabilities on Microsoft Azure at Becton Dickinson, and deployed simple social networks and Service as a Product (SaaP) as class projects at Carnegie Mellon. I am currently working on a personal project called Hextech which aims to simulate item builds affect champions' damage in the game League of Legends.

If I am not working on school work or personal projects, I am usually pursuing my passion of photography, hanging out with friends, or on the Rift.

My Skills
missing SkillsCardPython3missing SkillsCardC++missing SkillsCardJavascriptmissing SkillsCardSwift
Web Development
missing SkillsCardHTMLmissing SkillsCardCSSmissing SkillsCardNode.jsmissing SkillsCardReact
Frameworks and Libaries
missing SkillsCardBootstrapmissing SkillsCardTailwindCSS
missing SkillsCardPostgreSQLmissing SkillsCardMongoDBmissing SkillsCardGitHub
Built with mainly Astro and Tailwind CSS and NextUI, deployed with Netlify