Attended their hack-nights to listen to talks about current tools and skills used for different topics regarding cybersecurity
Object-Oriented Programming Teacher Assistant
Assisted professor in teaching students Object-Oriented Programming in C++ in class and during office hours. Worked with Travis CI and GitHub for class activities and homework to facilitate automation
Participated in weekly meetings to learn different techniques of solving problems to prepare for competitions
Backend developer
Operated with a sub-team of two other members to devise an iOS app where users scan images with phones to present information though an AR experience akin to reading information from a billboard flyer. Led sub-team of one other member in implementing Python script employing A* path-finding algorithm to navigate through two floors of Dibner Library
Software Engineering Intern
Collaborated with two interns to create a web-based change data capture application with AWS Lambda. Devised responsive React-based user interface with query capabilities using Material UI and React Redux. Built five components with documentation and Jest tests for internal front-end framework
Software Engineering and Senior Design Project Teacher Assistant
Revamped course materials with professor and aided in teaching a class of 30+ students. Taught how to write and deploy applications with a Flask backend, React frontend, and CI/CD integration
Software Engineering Intern
Deployed OpenEMR onto Microsoft Azure and created Postman scripts to create API client and queries. Researched open-source libraries and created SMART on FHIR applications with Single-Sign-On capabilities. Developed and presented proof-of-concept of standalone application using OpenSearch to development team