Here is the full list of my work and university experience
NYU Osiris Lab
Sept. 2018 – May 2022


Attended their hack-nights to listen to talks about current tools and skills used for different topics regarding cybersecurity

New York University Tandon School of Engineering
June 2019 – July 2019

Object-Oriented Programming Teacher Assistant

Assisted professor in teaching students Object-Oriented Programming in C++ in class and during office hours. Worked with Travis CI and GitHub for class activities and homework to facilitate automation

Poly Programming Team
Jan. 2020 – May 2022


Participated in weekly meetings to learn different techniques of solving problems to prepare for competitions

Augmented Library
Sept. 2020 - May 2021

Backend developer

Operated with a sub-team of two other members to devise an iOS app where users scan images with phones to present information though an AR experience akin to reading information from a billboard flyer. Led sub-team of one other member in implementing Python script employing A* path-finding algorithm to navigate through two floors of Dibner Library

CrossBorder Solutions
June 2021 – Aug. 2022

Software Engineering Intern

Collaborated with two interns to create a web-based change data capture application with AWS Lambda. Devised responsive React-based user interface with query capabilities using Material UI and React Redux. Built five components with documentation and Jest tests for internal front-end framework

AWS Lambda
New York University Tandon School of Engineering
Jan. 2021 – May 2022

Software Engineering and Senior Design Project Teacher Assistant

Revamped course materials with professor and aided in teaching a class of 30+ students. Taught how to write and deploy applications with a Flask backend, React frontend, and CI/CD integration

Becton Dickinson
May 2023 - Aug. 2023

Software Engineering Intern

Deployed OpenEMR onto Microsoft Azure and created Postman scripts to create API client and queries. Researched open-source libraries and created SMART on FHIR applications with Single-Sign-On capabilities. Developed and presented proof-of-concept of standalone application using OpenSearch to development team

Built with mainly Astro and Tailwind CSS and NextUI, deployed with Netlify